In Trappesletten, fragments of stairs, steps, and porches jut out from a sloped piece of land in town where they become links to the town’s sheepfolds and u-pick orchards. Bricks, glazed tiles, and decorated cornice pieces from an earlier building on the lot have become Jens Poulsen’s Stairs. School children gathered beach stones from the North Sea in the same way they did in the Stone Age and made a doormat in herringbone patterns. Old Hasle tiles, municipal curbstones, cement blocks – everything goes into the work. All the components become part of the stairs. At the lower end of the site is a large gathering basket, modelled in concrete, which was planted with perennials dug up from abandoned lots in the town. It is intended as a symbol of what we carry with us and collect. It is inspired by an older lady in town who had made just such a basket. All the gardening was done in cooperation with a local volunteer environmental group. Once a year, there is a “stoop day” on which new components may be brought in or old ones repaired.